Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL)

Women and Children Health organization (WCHO) seeks to help families produce more food and increase income, while managing natural resources and preserving the environment for future generations by gender mainstreaming into appropriate agricultural innovations to increase crop and livestock yields hence eradication of household poverty.

  • Promotion of gender equity through advancing equality of voice, agency and access to resource and services between women and men for sustainable food security and livelihoods.
  • Women participate equally with men as decision-makers in rural institutions and in shaping laws, policies and programmes;
  • Women and men have equal access to and control over decent employment and income, land and other productive resources.
  • Women and men have equal access to goods and services for agricultural development, and to markets
  • Women’s work burden is reduced by 20 percent through improved technologies, services and infrastructure.
  • The share of total agricultural aid committed to projects related to women and gender equality is increased to 30 percent.


  • Transform the lives of vulnerable people, especially women, adolescent girls and children including persons with disability by improving their nutritional status and health, as these groups often have the greatest unmet needs.
  • Improve the nutrition, health, survival and well-being of the most vulnerable – often women and girls and persons with disability.
  • Promotion of gender equality across all WCHO nutrition programs and business models
  • Empowering Women and Girls including persons with disability to Improve Nutrition
  • Promoting school meals in poor rural and urban schools
  • Training pupils and students on agricultural skills
  • Promoting/facilitating dignity kits to female teenager pupils/students