Discover the Women and Children Health Organization (WCHO), a dedicated non-profit working tirelessly to eliminate gender inequality and discrimination. Our mission encompasses justice, health, education, and empowerment, striving for a world where everyone has equal access to opportunities.

WCHO focuses on essential aspects of life, including Justice, Health Services, Education, Gender Empowerment, Child Protection (GBV/CP), Food Security, Nutrition, WASH, Peace Building, Governance, and Community Security. We are particularly dedicated to improving the lives of women, children, and persons with disabilities, helping them reach their full potential.

Support the cause and be part of our transformative journey. Your contribution can create a brighter, fairer, and healthier world. Whether through donations or raising awareness, your involvement matters.

Let’s champion justice, health, education, and empowerment for all. Join us in reshaping the future today! Stand with WCHO to create a world where everyone thrives.